Grey skies. A crowded bus. The hour-long commute. He does not want to start off every day of his life like this. He still has to, after all who is going to pay off the $1000 TV he bought last week? His life seems rudderless, sweeping across the river of life by torrential currents not under his control. For once, he wants to do what makes him happy and this is not it. His boss doesn’t make him happy either…
“THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS WORK! DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE PAYING YOU? TWO DAYS! I GIVE YOU JUST TWO DAYS”. He worked nights to complete this and “All I get is this?”, he thought to himself. Just then, a coworker brings him his favorite, a cup of matcha latte “I thought you needed this, after whatever went on in your meeting. I could hear it all ” she said. This made him smile, knowing that there is someone out there who is looking after him. Back to the dreary old cubicle, looking at pixels and numbers for nine more excruciating hours. He just wanted to go back home.
As he walked to the parking lot, he looked above, the grey skies in the morning parted ways to let the sun shine just for a little till the night. Children were out chasing butterflies, the puppers joined them too in their pursuit. Lucky for him, there was a butterfly flying right next to him and the next thing you know, he was greeted by the jump of the fluffiest pupper in the park. All it took for the pup to fall in love with him was two whole pets and a bunch of scritches. I should get myself a dog, he smiled as he thought to himself. The sun was gleaming through the clouds, delaying the arrival of the moon by an hour. He thought to himself… I should stay here for a while longer.
We all lead tough and different lives, where things that knock you down are around every corner. The things which make you “happy” are always so far away. So take a breather. Take it slow. Enjoy the journey that life presents you and you’ll notice that there are little things sprinkled throughout which can give you the right amount of joy. Something, you’ll miss by sprinting through.
The smell of good home cooked food as you enter your parents’ kitchen, the warm cup of tea on a cold, rainy day, the hot shower after a tiring day of work, are all little things but have a significant impact on our little brains. Happiness is just a the result of some chemical alchemy in our brains. We are always focused on achieving the big goals like getting a car, buying a house, securing the perfect job title, getting that salary raise but in all this grind to meet these big milestones, we often forget to focus on the small joys of just living life and having fun. Stop, close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and think about the little thing that made you happy recently.
Lots of love,
The dots